DD-WRT is Linux-based open source firmware for wireless routers and access points. Originally designed for the Linksys WRT54G series, it now runs on a wide variety of router manufacturer models. Some websites recommend that you first perform a 30-30-30 reset in order to clear existing settings and restore default settings.
Advanced wireless settings/zh cn - DD-WRT Wiki A feature of DD-WRT is the Channel Width value(10Mhz, 20MHz or 40MHz). It allows a user to decide if DD-WRT will force the use of narrow, standard or wide channel use of the 2.4GHz band. 10Mhz - Narrow channel - (more non overlapping channels but less bandwidth) 20Mhz - Default DD-WRT configuration for the 2.4GHz band. DD-WRT on Netgear R7000 forgets settings on reboot. : DDWRT Ive a Netgear R7800 Running Kongs DD-WRT v3.0-r37495M kongat (10/28/18). Its been running for a couple of years now with no issues, Ive setup a Minecraft server (MineOS in docker) that can be accessed locally and working however when trying to connect from outside the LAN im just getting timeout errors.
Transmission daemon - DD-WRT Wiki
Dec 30, 2016 How to setup a Client Bridged with DD-WRT router | David
Jan 25, 2012 · In my opinion changing of dd-wrt settings will not affect your problem, because it is in atheros, not in dd-wrt. I'm absolutely sure, if you buy wireless USB adapter for 20$, it will work perfectly Also found one topic then user solved problem by disabling 802.11 Bluetooth High Speed in atheros adapter advanced properties in windows.
Quality of Service - DD-WRT Wiki Introduction. Be using a build NO OLDER than r32170 before proceeding! Quality of Service (QoS) is a method to guarantee a bandwidth relationship between individual applications or protocols.This is very handy when you max out your connection so that you can allow for each application to have some bandwidth and so that no single application can take down the internet connection.