May 08, 2015 · Virtual Router Plus, free download. WiFi hotspot software for Windows: Virtual wireless networks made easy on Windows 8. Includes tests and PC download for Windows 32 and 64-bit systems completely free-of-charge.
Jul 27, 2016 · This virtual router software is for your PC or laptop available free. By using this easy-to-use app, you can turn your WiFi laptop/PC into a perfect virtual WiFi router, in order to share your internet connection with nearby smartphones, tables, gaming consoles, and various WiFi devices. Jan 20, 2016 · This virtual connection software download is currently available as version 3.3. Compatibility may vary, but generally runs on a Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7 desktop and laptop PC. Virtual Router has been tested for viruses, please refer to the tests on the "Virus Tests" page. It is published by Chris Pietschmann. O Virtual Wi-Fi Router é, tal como o seu nome indica, uma ferramenta para criar um ponto de acesso wi-fi virtual, usando apenas a nossa ligação à Internet e o computador. Usar o programa é bastante fácil, graças ao seu interface minimalista. Nov 13, 2019 · Thankfully there is an even easier solution called Virtual Router Manager which we first looked at using in Windows 8, and it still works in Windows 10. A free download, this small and open source Aug 30, 2013 · Virtual Router is a free application that lets you easily turn your computer into a wireless hotspot. The program is using the Wireless Hosted Network Windows feature available on Windows 7, 8 and 2008 R2. Creating a wireless hotspot is extremely easy.
With Virtual Router users can wirelessly share any Internet connection, whether that be Wifi, LAN, Cable Modem, Dial-up, or Cellular etc. with any Wifi device such as a Laptop, Smart Phone, iOS device or a wireless printer. Virtual Router be used in a number of various settings: School. Office. Airport. Train Station. Bus Station. Coffee House.
Jul 14, 2015 · Give Wi-Fi access to any desktop PC and also turn it into a virtual router. Works great for Windows 7 and 8 users. Skip to Navigation Skip to the Content of this Page Back to the Accessibility Menu Virtual Router Manager for PC – Virtual Router Manager is a Manage your Internet connections right from your Windows PC. This Open Source File Transfer And Networking app, was create by Chris Pietschmann Inc. And just, updated to the final version at May, 26th 2019. Download Virtual Router Manager App Latest Version