2017-5-2 · 对 AdBlock、Infy 拦截、Adguard、1Blocker 以及广告清理大师 5 款 iOS Safari 广告拦截插件进行测评比较
AdBlock will improve your overall Safari experience by blocking all ads, including normal ads and banners, autoplay ads, those pesky fake "x" button ads, scrolling banners, timed popups, redirects to "xxx" sites, YouTube ads in Safari, and no more online tracking. With all of these available ad-blocking options, you will get 2x faster browsing Adblock Plus - 软件下载中心 手机软件下载 绿色软 … 2020-6-18 · Adblock Plus正式版是一款大名鼎鼎的广告拦截软件的IOS版本,Adblock Plus官方版软件可以让Safari浏览器顺便变成你的保护伞,Adblock Plus还可以将视频网站广告过滤,包括优酷、奇异、PPS、腾讯视频、土豆、酷6、风行、PPTV等主流视频网站,还用户一个干净的网页。 Troubleshooting the AdBlock for Safari app : AdBlock Help
Adblocker deaktivieren und Werbung zulassen …
Adblock Plus for Safari - 苹果下载 | 好玩苹果网 2020-6-8 · Adblock Plus for Safari 简介 Adblock Plus for Safari is a totally free ad blocker that allows you to block annoying ads on your favorite websites and video channels. Simply install the app, and see the web in a better way. How to Disable AdBlock on Chrome/Safari/Firefox (2020)
Safari 有哪些值得推荐的扩展和插件? - 知乎
AdBlock is one of the most popular ad blockers worldwide with more than 60 million users on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge as well as Android. Use AdBlock to block all ads and pop ups.