SessionSynchronization interface and stateless session
The SessionSynchronization Interface. Limitations for stateless Session Beans. Transaction Attributes. Modeling Transactions. Session Bean Technology. Home Interface. java.sql.Connection interface: commit, setAutoCommit, and rollback; or javax.jms.Session interface: commit and rollback. - The CMT enterprise bean must not attempt to obtain or use the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface - A CMT stateful SB can optionally implement the javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface. Enterprise JavaBeans gives us the perfect excuse to revisit our Forum application. EJB's ability to handle messy infrastructure issues will help us quickly replace the current RMI backend with a session bean that provides the same functionality. Because it will use the EJB container's communications, scalability, and transactions support, the ForumSessionServerBean will be surprisingly simple An interface on a JSP would be absolutely useless since there is no way that the JSP class could subsequently be referenced using the interface. "Mammaries on a bull" comes to mind. You might as well ask why they didn't design your car with a shaving mirror in the engine compartment. Defining an EJB component. There are three ways to define EJB components in EAServer: Importing an EJB-JAR file An EJB-JAR file contains the implementation classes, interface classes, and deployment descriptor for one or more beans archived in a standard format. Hi Kril, the SessionSynchronization interface is only available for Stateful Session Beans.. it would certainly be a great solution if it was available for stateless as well. – Chris Thornhill May 10 '12 at 18:09 Finally, stateful session beans may optionally implement the javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface to enable the bean to be notified of certain transaction management events. Stateful Session Bean Interfaces. Because state is important for stateful session beans, the initial state in which such a bean is created could be important.
About using <transaction:ejb-transaction/>|
Using the SessionSynchronization interface with session beans - EJB 3.1 Cookbook When a transaction executes as part of a stateful session bean, the bean can receive synchronous notifications of the progress of the transaction using the Interface SessionSynchronization. public interface SessionSynchronization. The main ejb context. Method Summary. All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods ; EJB Specifications say that : "Only a stateful Session bean with container-managed transaction demarcation may implement the SessionSynchronization interface. A stateless Session bean must not implement the SessionSynchronization interface. My doubt is why only stateful session beans can optionally implement SessionSynchronization interface ?
StatefulSessionBeanImpl (Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API
afterCompletion(). This method is called by the transaction manager after the transaction is committed or rolled back. Defining an EJB component Defining an EJB component. There are three ways to define EJB components in EAServer: Importing an EJB-JAR file An EJB-JAR file contains the implementation classes, interface classes, and deployment descriptor for one or more beans archived in a standard format. The EAServer System Administration Guide describes how to import EJB-JAR files.; Importing class files Jaguar Manager can import the Write a session EJB | JavaWorld Enterprise JavaBeans gives us the perfect excuse to revisit our Forum application. EJB's ability to handle messy infrastructure issues will help us quickly replace the current RMI backend with a session bean that provides the same functionality. Because it will use the EJB container's communications, scalability, and transactions support, the ForumSessionServerBean will be surprisingly simple