Email Encryption

SMSS HAS BEEN DECOMMISSIONED | State of California This is a redirection page. You are seeing this page because you used a link (URL) for the decommissioned Secure Mail Server System (SMSS) application. The Applicant Agency Justice Connection (AAJC) application has replaced SMSS which now is no longer accessible. The AAJC is the new delivery channel to receive your background check processes. You can read more about AAJC … csecuremail: Circle Secure Mail Smarter way to send campaigns and non-transactional emails. Login

4SecureMail - Professional Secure Email for Business

SecureMail: First Time Signup via SecureMail Message Follow Instructions below ONLY apply to SecureMail.. If you have been sent a secure message through our MySecurePractice Secure Portal (, you will receive an invitation to create your own free account and reply to messages that are sent to you!See instructions below for First Time Signup for users that are sent secure messages through the system.

Welcome. Welcome and thank you for visiting Access Corrections, the secure way to send funds and messages to your loved ones. We're excited to offer you the ability to make inmate deposits, probation & parole payments or send email messages in the most efficient and secure manner possible.

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